Monday, August 17, 2009

Scentsy and our Troops

I have been racking my brain on how I could do something with my Scentsy business that would in some way help our troops who are serving overseas and I have finally decided to jump into the deep end of the pool. Effective today, anyone who makes a purchase on my web page will be entitled to send a "care package" to any military who is serving overseas. This is not limited to Iraq or Afghanistan because I feel that all service personnel who are away from home are contributing to our freedom. I will make an effort to contact everyone who makes an online order and thru Operation Thank You of Oregon, I will send a package and that package will contain at least one Scentsy product. Trust me, I spent six years serving in the military and in many of those places, they can use some help in the fragrance department. As a matter of fact, if you read this and you know someone in the military to whom you would like to reach out to, email me at with all the information and I will send a "care package" even if you don't buy from my web page, just my way of saying THANK YOU.